Clan Peacefull |
Peacefull Clan Application- "Albury" |
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Author: | Daniel_D_RS [ Mon May 11, 2015 8:39 am ] |
Post subject: | Peacefull Clan Application- "Albury" |
1. My Runescape name is: Albury 2. My skill total level is: 28,214 (read further on why) 3. My total exp is: 28,214 4. My highest level is: 67 (read on) 5. My combat level is: 3 6. Reason for getting combat levels (if any): 7. Will I gain more combat levels?: Never, I enjoy being a skiller 8. I discovered the clan by: Pcfl Bone via Twitch 9. Link to a picture of me greeting Clan Peacefull and my statistics in-game (Don't worry, it's all right to post links here): 10. My other Runescape accounts are: Daniel D 11. My timezone (country) is: Australia 12. I want to join Clan Peacefull because: I want to join this well known clan because overtime I log in, I want to make conversation whilst skilling. And I would like to join a clan and build my Exp within the clan to show how dedicated I am towards it. 13. Tell us about yourself: My name is Daniel. I'm 17 years old and hail from Australia. I enjoy Runescape and waterspouts such as Wakeboarding and Wakesurfing (I have competed in major events) 14. Tell us about your Runescape history: Started off with my main (Daniel D) then just decided to make a skiller which I start out with Agility Just like i said in Question 12, it would be such a great milestone to join Peacefull at a low level and then level up my skills within the clan to show how dedicated I am towards it. I don't like training skills without no-one to talk to. Joining Peacefull will solve these problems as you guys are always active. Please add me ignore (Albury) if you have any further questions) Thankyou. |
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