Clan Peacefull

my application
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Author:  Guest [ Sun Mar 05, 2006 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  my application

:shock: I was going to wait and get a freakishly high skill before i join...But you all sound swet so I'm gonna apply...

1. My runescape name is: S4nt4s r34l
2. My skill total is: 536:(
3. My total exp is: 3,093382( so about 3.1M)
4. My highest level is: 76 Fletch
5. My combat level is: 3
6. Reason for getting combat levels (if any): N/z
7. Will I gain more combat levels?: Heck No(I hope )
8. I was invited to join by (if anyone): UMm no one really, but I saw lem50 on RSC so I guess Lem50?

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